Season Of Generosity (GIving Tuesday)

Giving Tuesday is a global movement observed on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving. 今年它将于11月28日星期二着陆. It encourages people worldwide to embrace the spirit of generosity by giving back to their communities and supporting charitable causes. Participants can donate money, time, or resources to nonprofits and charitable organizations. This day serves as a reminder to prioritize acts of kindness and philanthropy during the holiday season, fostering a sense of community and making a positive impact on society. below is a list of local not for profits that could use your support this holiday season.


地址: 芝加哥布雷德利广场2500号,邮编60618

-使命: 从摇篮到蜡笔 provides children from birth through age 12, 生活在无家可归或低收入的环境中, 他们需要在家里茁壮成长的基本物品, 在学校和玩耍时. We supply these items free of charge by engaging and connecting communities.

-你能帮什么忙: Their Gear Up for Winter initiative supplies winter gear to children whose families struggle just to stay warm. 在这个假期里,你可以通过三种主要方式来帮助别人. Either shop online for 服装 to donate, give away lightly use gear, and sponsor a 服装 pack.


地址: 林肯大道北3908号

使命: 常见的储藏室 meets the emergency needs of our local community by providing healthy 食物, kinship and support to help overcome poverty-related challenges.

愿景: Strengthen 常见的储藏室’s capacity to provide 食物 and services for the overall well-being of our clients. 我们采取策略, forward-thinking approach to reduce hunger and address the root causes of poverty, 将同情心注入我们所做的一切.

你可以如何帮助: 有很多方法可以帮助公共食品储藏室. You can donate your time helping with 食物 distribution, 食物 drives, and community service. You can also donate money to help keep to meal and service programs running at 常见的储藏室.


地址: 1716 W. 哈伯德街

任务: “今日美食”.对明天的希望.”

滋养希望, 一个有活力的社会服务组织提供食物吗, 心理健康咨询和其他社会服务, 比如工作和住房援助, 帮助芝加哥有需要的邻居. 成立于1970年, they strive to serve the needs of the whole person — with respect and dignity, 总是.

-你能帮什么忙: 你是否有能力在经济上给予, 捐赠食物或家庭用品或自愿奉献你的时间, 我们很重视你的慷慨. Those who give to 滋养希望 can be assured that donations of all kinds will directly benefit your neighbors who need it most.

邻居的男孩 & 女孩俱乐部

地址: 西欧文公园道2501号.

任务:To enhance the well-being and develop the potential of our club members, 他们的家庭, 和社区

-你能帮什么忙: “星期二捐赠活动” Every dollar you contribute goes directly toward programs that empower and uplift our community. 最棒的是? 多亏了一群匿名捐赠者, 你的捐款将一美元一美元地得到匹配, 最高30美元,000! 这意味着你的慷慨会产生双倍的影响!


地址: 西贝尔蒙特大道2136号

任务: They passionately believes that all human beings have the universal rights to liberty, 食物, 避难所, 服装, 医疗保健, 教育和工作.

在爱的力量基金会哮喘病 & 无过敏诊所, 他们提供全面的, 纵向, 过敏领域的亚专科护理, 哮喘 & 免疫学对他们的病人是免费的. 他们照顾所有年龄段的病人,儿童和成人. 如果需要,我们将提供交通工具到我们的诊所.

-你能帮什么忙: You can help Strength to Love by financially supporting different services they offer. Some donation opportunities include their Transportation Fund, 抗生素管理计划, 和免疫治疗项目,帮助有需要的人.


地址: 3221 N拉辛大道芝加哥邮编60657

使命: 青少年自尊项目 helps today's youth recapture their confidence through art and authenticity. We empower tweens and teens to love what they see in the mirror through the luxury experience of a Vogue-style portrait session.

你可以如何帮助: 作为一个非营利组织, they believe all tweens and teens deserve access to this confidence-boosting art form regardless of ability to pay. Your donation will go directly to helping teens get the resources they need to empower their self image.

Arcus行为健康 & 健康

地址: 北克拉克街2732号.

使命: Their mission is to bridge the gap in mental health care for underinsured or uninsured individuals and families, 尤其是”+, 民族/文化, 少数族裔移民. 他们的方法包括提供高质量的服务, LGBTQ-affirming services while covering the cost of therapy to fairly compensate our clinicians. Their goal is to promote community mental health care through counseling, 心理治疗, 和教育. They aim to reduce the stigma of mental health care by equally focusing on enhancing the well-being and quality of life of Their clients as well as addressing pathology.

你可以如何帮助: We believe health care is a human right, which includes access to high quality mental health care. You can support their mission by donating to their programs to help those in need around our community.

咖啡,嘻哈 & 精神健康咖啡馆

地址: 芝加哥西贝尔蒙特1051号

使命: 他们的首要任务是教育, 并且去掉金融, systematic and emotional barriers to make therapy more accessible for the black communities of Chicago. The goal of this program is to therefore match individuals and families with a therapist, 对他们来说是免费的, and on behalf of fundraising conducted by this organization.

你可以如何帮助: They are currently connecting 110 applicants to therapists and providing each of them with 20 sessions that costs this organization $220,000.在接下来的5个月里,我要交100英镑. They could use your support to provide free counseling to those around our community!


地址: 3435 N. 南安普顿的大街

使命: At &崛起,我们的使命是帮助任何人 & 所有女性都能获得成功所需的支持, and we are building a generous community dedicated to volunteering and giving to our cause so we can expand our mission worldwide!


捐款, 你直接到他们的组织或“商店” & 来自合作伙伴网站的支持.

募捐, 在Facebook上举办一场筹款活动来支持他们的事业.

志愿者, Use you time and volunteer in many different areas and make an impact.

赞助, 赞助我们的活动或成为企业赞助商.


地址: 1224 W. 贝尔蒙特大街

使命: The Theraplay Institute is dedicated to building strong families and emotionally healthy children and adults through Theraplay training, 治疗, 宣传, 和研究. Theraplay was developed for any professional working to support healthy child/caregiver attachment. Strong attachment between the child and the important adults in their life has long been believed to be the basis of lifelong good mental health as well as the mainstay of resilience in the face of adversity.

如何提供帮助: You can choose to donate to Theraplay and its different services they provide. 你可以从普通基金中选择, 培训及认证奖学金, 治疗诊所基金, 和治疗营基金.



