已发表学术期刊论文35篇(其中18篇SCI、6篇EI),以下仅列出10篇代表作 1.Zhang, J., Heng, J.*, Dong, Y., Baniotopoulos, C., & Yang, Q. (2024). Coupling multi-physics models to corrosion fatigue prognosis of high-strength bolts in floating offshore wind turbine towers. Engineering Structures, 301, 117309. 2.Guan, M., Wang, X., Heng, J.*, Sha, M., & Du, H. (巴黎人娱乐城官方网址). Parametric study on lateral behaviour of composite shear walls with high-strength manufactured sand concrete. Structures, 49: 332-344. 3.Li, C., Heng, J.*, Zhou, Z., Zhan, Y., & Dong, Y. (巴黎人娱乐城官方网址). Cyclic performance of prefabricated composite shear stud connectors for accelerated bridge construction. Advances in Structural Engineering, 13694332231215000. 4.Heng, J., Zheng, K., Feng, X., Veljkovic, M., & Zhou, Z*. (2022). Machine Learning-Assisted probabilistic fatigue evaluation of Rib-to-Deck joints in orthotropic steel decks. Engineering Structures, 265, 114496. 5.Heng, J., Zhou, Z.*, Zou, Y., & Kaewunruen, S. (2022). GPR-assisted evaluation of probabilistic fatigue crack growth in rib-to-deck joints in orthotropic steel decks considering mixed failure models. Engineering Structures, 252, 113688. 6.Feng, X., Zheng, K., Heng, J.*, Zhu, J., & He, X. (2022). Fatigue performance of rib-to-deck joints in orthotropic steel deck with PWHT. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 196, 107420. 7.Zheng, J., Tang, J., Zhou, Z., Heng, J.*, Chu, X., & Wu, T. (2022). Intelligent cognition of traffic loads on road bridges: From measurement to simulation–A review. Measurement, 111636. 8.Gao, Y., Li, C., Wang, X., Zhou, Z., Fan, L., & Heng, J.* (巴黎人娱乐城). Shear-slip behaviour of prefabricated composite shear stud connectors in composite bridges. Engineering Structures, 240, 112148. 9.Heng, J., Zheng, K.*, Kaewunruen, S., Zhu, J., & Baniotopoulos, C. (2020). Probabilistic fatigue assessment of rib-to-deck joints using thickened edge U-ribs. Steel Compos. Struct, 35, 799-813. 10.Heng, J., Zheng, K.*, Kaewunruen, S., Zhu, J., & Baniotopoulos, C. (2019). Dynamic Bayesian network-based system-level evaluation on fatigue reliability of orthotropic steel decks. Engineering Failure Analysis, 105, 1212-1228. *:通讯作者 |
获奖: ESI热点论文(前0.1%),巴黎人娱乐城官方网址 玛丽居里学者,2022 首届全国博士后创新创业大赛金奖,巴黎人娱乐城 重庆市(省部级)科学技术进步一等奖,2020 中英联合研究创新基金(英方称牛顿学者奖学金),2018 ASCE封面论文(Editor’s Choice),2017
专利: 1.郑凯锋, 冯霄暘, 衡俊霖, 王亚伟. 正交异性钢桥面顶板与纵肋连接焊缝疲劳性能评价方法. ZL201910684065.5. 发明专利. 应用于世界最大跨度双层悬索桥—武汉杨泗港长江大桥 2.郑凯锋, 冯霄暘, 衡俊霖, 雷鸣. 一种降低正交异性钢桥面焊接残余应力的方法. ZL202010265793. 发明专利. 应用于南京仙新路长江大桥 3.周志祥, 楚玺, 衡俊霖, 段鑫. 结构几何形态监测方法. ZL202010830442.4. 发明专利. 应用于成都青龙场立交桥主桥长期安全监测 4.周志祥, 楚玺, 衡俊霖, 谭毅, 段鑫, 朱伟铸. 基础设施建设移动式智能巡查装备及智能管理方法. ZL巴黎人娱乐城11030168.3. 发明专利. 应用于深圳爱国路高架桥、沙井河特大桥的长期形态监测 5.郑凯锋, 冯霄暘, 衡俊霖, 王亚伟. 正交异性钢桥面顶板与纵肋连接焊缝疲劳性能试验装置. ZL201921197635.X. 实用新型 6.戴靠山, 衡俊霖, 徐军, 樊柯等. 一种旋转自锁式抗疲劳风电法兰. ZL巴黎人娱乐城22642945.1. 实用新型. 7.戴靠山, 杨祖飞, 衡俊霖, 罗宇骁等. 一种分片式密贴抗疲劳风电塔筒. ZL202221880833.8. 实用新型. 8.戴靠山, 杜航, 衡俊霖, 樊轲等. 一种应用结构型高强铆钉的桁架风电塔架连接节点. ZL202222467244.3. 实用新型. 9.戴靠山, 凌灼灼, 易佳欣, 衡俊霖等. 一种基于机器视觉的三维位移传感器. ZL2022巴黎人娱乐城7181.3. 实用新型. 10.戴靠山, 陈家锦, 衡俊霖, 闻长起. 一种风电塔筒装配辅助机器人. ZL巴黎人娱乐城官方网址20585201.7. 实用新型. |