1. 周定松, 叶康, 陈鹏*, 等. (巴黎人娱乐城官方网址). 地铁上盖高层塔楼结构震振双控方案对比研究. 建筑结构. (录用待刊) 2. 王斌, 张展宏, 陈鹏*, 等. (巴黎人娱乐城官方网址). 隔震结构震后自复位能力研究. 工程科学与技术, OL: 1-13. 3. Chen P, Wang B, Zhou D, et al. (巴黎人娱乐城官方网址). Performance evaluation of a nonlinear energy sink with quasi-zero stiffness property for vertical vibration control, Engineering Structures, 282: 115801. 4. Wang B, Chen P*, Zhu S, et al. (巴黎人娱乐城官方网址). Seismic performance of buildings with novel self-centering base isolation system for earthquake resilience, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 52(5): 1360-1380. 5. Chen P, Wang B, Zhang Z, et al. (巴黎人娱乐城官方网址). A generalized Bouc-Wen model of lead rubber bearing considering large strain stiffening and degradation, Engineering Structures, 275: 115264. 6. Chen P, Wang B, Li T, et al. (2022). Analytical and numerical investigations of base isolation system with negative stiffness devices. Engineering Structures, 268(1): 114799. 7. Chen P, Wu X. (2022). Investigations on the dynamic response of adjacent buildings connected by viscous dampers, Buildings, 12(9): 1480. 8. Zhou Y, Chen P, Mosqueda G. (2022). Numerical studies of three-dimensional isolated structures with vertical quasi-zero stiffness property. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 26(7): 3601-3622. 9. 吴小宾, 陈鹏*, 高峰. (2022). 基于加固效费比的砌体结构抗震加固方案优选方法研究. 工程力学, 39(05):167-176. 10. Zhou Y, Chen P. (2020). Investigations on a vertical isolation system with quasi-zero stiffness property. Smart Structures and Systems, 25(5): 543-557. 11. 周颖, 陈鹏. (2020). 基于三联反应谱的隔震结构整体设计法研究. 建筑结构学报, 41(S2): 53-59. 12. Zhou Y, Chen P, Mosqueda G. (2019). Analytical and numerical investigation of quasi-zero stiffness vertical isolation system. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 145(6): 04019035. (Selected as Feature Paper) 13. Zhou Y, Chen P. (2017). Shaking table tests and numerical studies on the effect of viscous dampers on an isolated RC building by friction pendulum bearings, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 100: 330-344. 14. 陈鹏, 周颖, 刘璐, 等. (2017). 带抗拉装置高层隔震结构振动台试验研究. 建筑结构学报, 38(7): 120-128. 15. 周颖, 陈鹏, 陆道渊, 等. (2016). 地铁上盖多塔楼隔震与减振设计研究. 土木工程学报, 49(S1): 84-89. |
1. 陈鹏, 王斌, 戴靠山. 一种带准零刚度特性的竖向调谐减震/振装置. ZL202220170118.9 (实用新型) 2. 陈鹏, 王斌, 马开强, 宋亚澜. 叠层橡胶支座大变形仿真模拟软件. (软件著作权) 3. 吴小宾, 陈鹏, 高峰. 震损建筑加固方案优选软件. (软件著作权) 4. 周颖,陈鹏.一种自适应刚度特性运动解耦式三维隔震/振支座. ZL巴黎人娱乐城10111224.8 (中国发明,美国专利) 5. 周颖,陆德成,陈鹏.新型三维隔振装置. (日本专利) |