











主要从事多场耦合力学领域的研究工作,重点关注新型储能材料和功能材料中的缺陷,研究基于缺陷调控材料性能的机理和策略。在Science, Physical Review Letters, Nature Communications, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Composite Structures等国际期刊发表论文10余篇。

基于Multiphysics Object-Oriented Simulation Environment (MOOSE)的开源多场耦合问题有限元程序Panda’s Multi-Physics (PMP),下载链接:bitbucket.org/pandasmultiphysics/pmp/wiki/Home



2022.07-今,  四川大学,建筑与环境学院力学系,助理研究员。














1. 国家自然基金青年项目,12302231,锂电池电极材料中位错与锂离子相互作用的机理和调控研究,2024.01-2026.1230万,主持。

2. 中国博士后面上项目,巴黎人娱乐城官方网址M732433,基于位错挠曲电效应调控的铁电材料力电耦合性能研究巴黎人娱乐城官方网址.06-2025.068万元,主持。

3. 四川省自然基金项目,巴黎人娱乐城官方网址NSFSC0910,动力锂电池电极材料颗粒性能的衰减机理和优化设计,巴黎人娱乐城官方网址.01-2024.1210万元,主持。

4. 四川大学国家自然基金培育专项,锂电池电极材料中锂离子扩散和位错演化的调控,巴黎人娱乐城官方网址.04-巴黎人娱乐城官方网址.125万元,主持。

5. 四川大学专职博士后研发基金项目,巴黎人娱乐城官方网址SCU12103,基于位错调控的铁电材料力电耦合性能研究,巴黎人娱乐城官方网址.01-2024.1215万元,主持。

6. 科技部973计划课题,2014CB046202,风力机气动弹性机理与非线性大变形结构动力学研究,2014.01-巴黎人娱乐城.12,子课题主研。




[1] Zhuo F#, Zhou X#, Gao S, Dietrich F, Groszewicz PB, Fulanovi L, Breckner P, Xu BX, Kleebe H, Damjanovic D, Rödel J. Intrinsic-Strain Engineering by Dislocation Imprint in Bulk Ferroelectrics[J]. Physical Review Letters, 巴黎人娱乐城官方网址, 131(1): 016801.

[2] Yang Y, Oyedeji TD, Zhou X, Able K., Xu BX. Tailoring magnetic hysteresis of additive manufactured Fe-Ni permalloy via multiphysics-multiscale simulations of process-property relationships[J]. npj Computational Materials. 巴黎人娱乐城官方网址, 9(1): 1-19.

[3] Zhuo F, Zhou X, Gao S, Höfling M, Dietrich F, Groszewicz PB, Fulanović L, Breckner P, Wohninsland A, Xu BX, Kleebe HJ, Tan X, Koruza J, Damjanovic D, Rödel J. Anisotropic dislocation-domain wall interactions in ferroelectrics. Nature Communications. 2022, 13(1):1–11.

[4] Zhou X, Reimuth C, Xu BX. Phase-field simulation of misfit dislocations in two-phase electrode particles: Driving force calculation and stability analysis. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2022, 249:111688.

[5] Yang Y, Fathidoost M, Oyedeji TD, Bondi P, Zhou X, Egger H, Xu BX. A diffuse-interface model of anisotropic interface thermal conductivity and its application in thermal homogenization of composites. Scripta Materialia. 2022, 212:114537.

[6] Okafor C, Ding K, Zhou X, Durst K, Rödel J, Fang X. Mechanical tailoring of dislocation densities in SrTiO3 at room temperature. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 2022, 105(4):2399–402.

[7] Zhou X, Liu Z, Xu BX. Influence of dislocations on domain walls in perovskite ferroelectrics: Phase-field simulation and driving force calculation. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2022, 238:111391.

[8] Höfling M, Zhou X, Riemer LM, Bruder E, Liu B, Zhou L, Groszewicz PB, Zhuo F, Xu BX, Durst K, Tan X, Damjanovic D, Koruza J, Rödel J. Control of polarization in bulk ferroelectrics by mechanical dislocation imprint. Science. 巴黎人娱乐城, 372(6545):961–4.

[9] Zhou X, Yang Y, Bharech S, Lin B, Schröder J, Xu BX. 3D-multilayer simulation of microstructure and mechanical properties of porous materials by selective sintering. GAMM-Mitteilungen. 巴黎人娱乐城, 44(4):e巴黎人娱乐城00017.

[10] Reimuth C, Lin B, Yang Y, Stein P, Zhou X*, Xu BX. Chemo-mechanical study of dislocation mediated ion diffusion in lithium-ion battery materials. Journal of Applied Physics. 巴黎人娱乐城, 130(3):035103.

[11] Zhou X, Reimuth C, Stein P, Xu BX. Driving forces on dislocations: finite element analysis in the context of the non-singular dislocation theory. Archive of Applied Mechanics. 巴黎人娱乐城, 91(11):4499–516.

[12] Liu Z, Zhou X, Feng B, Xu BX. Engineered periodic quadrupole superstructure in ferroelectric thin films via flexoelectricity. Acta Materialia. 巴黎人娱乐城, 216:117126.

[13] Zhou X, Huang K, Li Z. Geometrically nonlinear beam analysis of composite wind turbine blades based on quadrature element method. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics. 巴黎人娱乐城, 104: 87-99.

[14] Zhou X, Huang K, Li Z. Effects of bend-twist coupling on flutter limits of composite wind turbine blades. Composite Structures. 巴黎人娱乐城, 192: 317-326.










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